Wednesday, January 8, 2020

राशि के अनुसार जाने जनवरी का कौन सा दिन रहेगा आपके लिए शुभ और कौन से दिन सावधानी बरतें

मेष राशि- नए साल 2020 का पहला माह आपके लिए कामयाबियों से भरा रहेगा। यह महीना हर दृष्टि से बेहतरीन साबित होगा और आपके साहस और पराक्रम में वृद्धि होने के साथ- साथ आपका मनोबल बढेगा। आप स्वास्थ्य की दृष्टि से उत्तम दशा में रहेंगे।  परिवार में रहेगा झगड़े विवाद से बचें रहेंगे। विदेश यात्रा का आसार हैं और आप व्यापार से अच्छा लाभ उठा सकते हैं। इस माह की 5 और 10 तारीख आपके लिए शुभ रहेगी। 20 और 21 तारीख को सावधानी बरतें।
वृषभ राशि - नए साल के नए महीने जनवरी में आपके कठिन हालात सामान्य हो जाएगी। आप व्यापार की दिशा में जो भी प्रयास करेंगे वो सार्थक रहेगा। आप ऑफिस में उच्चाधिकारियों से मधुर संबंध बना पाएंगे। आपको सरकारी नौकरी मिलने के आसार हैं। आपके लिए सभी दिशा में परिस्थितियां अनुकूल हो जाएँगी। आपकी संतान संबंधी चिंता में आपको कुछ नयापन दिखेगा। विवाह के लिए किये जा रहा प्रयास में आपको सफलता मिलेगी। इस माह की 7 और 11 तारीख आपके लिए शुभ रहेगी। जनवरी माह की 2324 तारीख को अधिक सावधानी बरतने की जरूरत है। 

मिथुन राशि- नए साल में आप,के ग्रह गोचर में परिवर्तन होने से आपका समय शुभ रहेगा। आपको किइस नए कार्य में सफलता और प्रसिद्धि मिलेगी। अगर आप बॉडी बनाने के लिए किसी प्रकार के सप्लीमेंट्स का सेवन कर रहे है तो आपको रिएक्शन हो सकता हैंइससे बचें। आपके गुप्त शत्रु आपके लिए और आपके व्यापार के लिए हानिकारक हो सकते हैं। परिवार के लिए आपकी चिंता बढ़ सकती है। घर वालों के साथ ज्यादा समय बिताएं । किसी भी अजनबी से व्यर्थ में विवाद में ना उलझेआपको हानि होने की आशंका है।  इस माह की 9 और 13 तारीख आपके लिए शुभ रहेगी। माह की 1516 तारीख को विशेष सावधानी बरतने की आवश्यकता है। 
For More Information:- Love meter
कर्क राशि- नए साल का पहला महीना छात्रों और कॉम्पिटिटिव एक्साम्स में आने वाले छात्रों की दृष्टि से उत्तम रहेगा। विद्यार्थियों को पढ़ाई में अधिक मन लगाने की आश्यकता हैं। संतान संबंधी चिंता से आप इस माह मुक्त हो जायेंगे और परिवार में नए मेहमान के आने की खुशखबरी मिलेगी। प्रेम संबंधी मामलों में आपके लिए यह माह ज्यादा सही नहीं हैं आपको उदासीनता मिलेगी। आपके व्यापार की दृष्टि से यह माह बेहतर परिणाम लाएगा। माह के अंत बिगड़े हुए कार्य बन जाएंगे। इस माह की  2 और 30 तारीख आपके लिए शुभ रहेगी। माह की 27 और 28 तारीख कुछ अशुभ घटने की आशंका हैं।
सिंह राशि- नए साल के इस माह में आपके ग्रह गोचर नए मकान और वाहन को खरीदने का योग बना रहे हैं। अगर आप किसी पुराने जमीन जायदाद से जुड़े मामलें में उलझें है तो जल्दी ही सबका निपटारा होगा। आपको अपने अभिभावकों के स्वास्थ्य पर विशेष ध्यान देने की आवश्यकता हैं। किसी भी प्रतियोगिता में बैठना चाह रहे होंअथवा सरकारी सर्विस हेतु आवेदन करना चाह रहे हों तो आपके लिए अवसर अच्छा है. आप लाभ उठा सकते हैं। नव दंपत्ति के लिए संतान प्राप्ति का सुख मिलेगा। अगर आप प्रेम विवाह करने का प्रयास कर रहे है तो सफलता रहेगा ।  इस माह की 11 और 18 तारीख आपके लिए शुभ रहेगी। 20 और 21 तारीख को सावधानी बरतें।
For More Information:- january horoscope 2020
कन्या राशि- नए साल के इस माह में आपके ग्रह गोचर आपके लिए तनाव की स्थिति बनाएगा लेकिन फिर भी आपको हर क्षत्र में सफलता मिलेगी। आपके व्यपार में वृद्धि होगी। अगर आप कही यात्रा पर जाने का विचार कर रहे है तो कीमती सामना के चोरी होने की आशंका हैं ,ध्यान रखें। किसी भी अजनबी पर अधिक विश्वास न करें।  इस महीने में किसी से कर्ज लेने और उधार देने से बचें। आपका दिया हुआ पैसा फस्स सकता हैं।जनवरी माह के अंत तक ग्रह गोचर में सुधार आने की सम्भवना हैं। ये आपके तनाव को दूर करेगा।  इस माह की 6 और 14 तारीख आपके लिए शुभ रहेगी। माह की 5 और 6 तारीख अशुभ रहेगी। 
तुला राशि- नए साल के इस माह में तुला राशि वालों के लिए बहुत अच्छे संयोग बन रहे हैं। किसी महंगी वस्तु के खरीदने का योग बन रहे है जैसे वहां या घर। इस माह में आप जीवन में कामयाबियों को हासिल करेंगे। किसी नए कार्य को आरंभ करने पर सफलता मिलेगी। शुरू में आपको जोखिम का सामना करना पड़ सकता हैं। अगर विदेश यात्रा हेतु आप सोच रहे है तो सफलता मिलेगी और आपको अवश्य अच्छी नौकरी में पदोन्नति मिलने की सम्भावना हैं। इस माह की 5 और 10 तारीख आपके लिए शुभ रहेगी। 7 और 8 तारीख को सावधानी बरतें

वृश्चिक राशि-  नए साल के इस माह में आपकी राशि स्वामी होने के कारण आपको हर क्षत्र में सफलता के दत्षण होंगे। आपकी सभी रुके हुए काम बन जायेंगे और आपकी सभी बाधाओं का निपटारा होगा। आप\का कोई भी किसी भी तरह का बड़े से बड़ा कार्य सफल होगा। आपकी किसी भी नयी डील पर हस्ताक्षर करना चाह रहे हों तो बिना झिझक के आगे बढ़ जाएँ। आपके ग्रह गोचर किसी बड़ी कामयाबी की सम्भवना बना रहे हैं। किसी भी कारणवश परिवार के बड़े सदस्यों में मतभेद ना आने दें। अपने बहियो से मेल -जोल बाधएँ। इस माह की 15 और 125 तारीख आपके लिए शुभ रहेगी। 9  और 10 तारीख को सावधानी बरतें।
धनु राशि- आपके लिए जनवरी का माह में ग्रहगोचर की दशा ठीक होने से अपेक्षाकृत बेहतर परिणाम मिलेंगे। आपके लिए जनवरी के माह में शनिदेव की दशा परिवर्तन होने से आपको शुभ परिणाम मिलेंगे। आपके सभी दुष्प्रभावों से बचने में मदद मिलेगी। अगर आप किसी भी प्रतियोगी परीक्षा में शामिल होना चाहते है तो आपको अच्छा अवसर मिलेगा। अगर आप इस  माह में विवाह संबंधित बातचीत को आगे बढ़ने की सोच रहे है तो आपको सफलता मिलेगी। आपको किसी पुराने कोर्ट कचहरी के मामलों में सफलता मिलेगी। आपको स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी विशेषकर नेत्र विकार होने की आशंका हैं। इस माह की 11 और 16 तारीख आपके लिए शुभ रहेगी। 24 और 25 तारीख को सावधानी बरतें।

मकर राशि- पुराने साल के कई महीनों के खराब जाने के बाद इस माह आपके ग्रह गोचर में अच्छा परिवर्तन आ रहा है।  आपको सफलताओं के दर्शन होंगे। आपके परिवार में चल रहे गिले-शिकवे दूर होंगे। आपके प्रतीक्षित कार्यो का निपटारा होगा।  कुछ कारणवश आपको तनाव बना रहेगा। परिवार के सदस्यों के संबंधों में मधुरता आएगी। आपकी राशि में राशि स्वामी शनि होने की वजह से 25 जनवरी से तनाव आ सकता हैं। लेकिन जल्दी ही आपको शुभ फलदाई परिणाम भी मिलेंगे। यात्रा के आसार हैं और विदेश भी जा सकते हैं। इस माह की 3 और 13 तारीख आपके लिए शुभ रहेगी। 17 और 28 तारीख को सावधानी बरतें। 
कुंभ राशि- इस माह का आरम्भ का समय आपके लिए शुभ रहेगा लेकिन 25 जनवरी से आपकी राशि पर शनि की साढ़ेसाती आरंभ हो रही है अतः माह का अंतिम सप्ताह आपके लिए कठिन चुनौतियां ला सकता है। इस दौरान साहस एवं धैर्य बनाये रखें और अजनबियों से सावधान रहें। आपको व्यापार की दृष्टि से सफलता और उन्नति मिलेगी। आप भावनाओं के वाश मेहोकर कोई भी निर्णय लेने से बचें। ये आपके लिए नुकसानदेह हो सकता हैसावधान रहें। इस माह किसी भी प्रकार के लेन-देन से बचें। अन्यथा किसी भी झगड़े विवाद में न उलझें। इस माह की 5 और 10 तारीख आपके लिए शुभ रहेगी। माह की 1516 तारीख अशुभ रहेगी।

मीन राशि- आपके लिए जनवरी का माह आपके लिए सफलता का द्वार खोलेगा। आपको लाभ होगा और नए सफलता का मार्ग प्रशस्त होंगे। ऑफिस में आपके उच्चाधिकारियों के साथ मधुर संबंध होंगे। अगर आप सरकारी सर्विस हेतु आवेदन करना चाह रहे हो तो सफलता के दर्शन होंगे। किसी भी विवाह संबंधित कार्य सफल होंगे। परिवार में मांगलिक कार्यों के होने के आसार हैं। इसी वजह से माहौल खुशनुमा बना रहेगा। आपकी राशि में तीर्थ यात्रा का योग है। आप अपनी सोच को अपनी नीतियों के साथ मिलाकर अपने कार्य को अंतिम रूप देने में सफल होंगे। इस माह की 4 और 23 तारीख आपके लिए शुभ रहेगी। 18 और 19 तारीख को सावधानी बरतें। 

Friday, November 29, 2019

December love horoscope for all zodiac signs

It’s the last month of the year and everyone must be thrilled to end the year on a good note. Hopefully, for their love matters, they need to know about their love horoscope. Here is the love horoscope for all zodiac signs. 

Aries Monthly Love Horoscope (March 21-April 20) 

You should not put your travels on hold for any longer. Now is the perfect time to utilize any long-distance connections which you might have. This will prove positive in creating a friendship that will share your views. Exchange of heart and thoughts is stored for you this month. Your immediate past has had lots of highs and lows that you have had to deal with. It’s no wonder that you tend to feel the way you do. Your future holds a bright light for you. As you will redirect your attitudes, you will feel your values becoming stronger and your ideals more inspired. 

Taurus Monthly Love Horoscope (April 21-May 21) 

You can be addicted to the thrill of getting to know a person inside and out. Intensity is especially important for you now. It’s time to move on to issues that relate more to others than you. Past issues will get settle themselves. Your desire for exploring the secrets of sex and love increases as you will feel more alive than usual. You should revaluate yourself and what your intentions are. You will surprise yourself and others in how much you change for the better. Unveil your romantic talent and strengths. This will prove positive for you in the end.

Gemini Monthly Love Horoscope (May 22-June 21) 

Your consideration will be more on your romance, friendships even professional relationships in this month. Now is the time to be social. Check-in with contacts, make that necessary phone calls, etc. If you want to see success in your personal life, this should be done. You can now enjoy the social game while making connections with lovers and they can be quite tempting. Polish up on your people skills and work on redefining them. You will now seem to ignore the sexual needs as you are focusing on those of your partner. It will be good for you to look forward to your lover for a stable relationship. Close ties with friends, families all are prospering. It would be wise to think of situations in your life in terms of us instead of me. 

Cancer Monthly Love Horoscope (June 22-July 21)

Love might be complicated this month but this won’t be boring. Changes are on the horizon for you personally and professionally in dealing with diet and health issues. You should volunteer your time in helping near and dear ones. Others will find you attractive, pressures will be easing and your confidence is building and important people in your life are supportive. Less focus on the flaws of your love life and more focus on the big picture keeps the love lively. Take these trying times and use them to change the bad part of your life with the desired approach to things. You should seek out what makes you happy and what would create the desired approach to things. 

Know Your December Horoscope Here-

Leo Monthly Love Horoscope (July 23-Aug 22)

The desire for playtime is with you for this month, the power of attractions are running high. Your creativity pours and creates an inspiration for you that surpasses your normal abilities. Your emotions show this and everyone will get to know this. You have been protecting yourself for long enough. Now, it is the right time to take the charge and try some new things. Take a chance on something you would pass up. Feel the desire and go with it instead of holding it back. Your efforts will not go unnoticed and will prove positive for you. This is called the spice of life. But be careful in overindulging, there are limits to everything you do. You can go over these limits and you see just how badly something good can go awry. 

Virgo Monthly Love Horoscope (Aug 23-Sep 23)

Your life is a bit on the chaotic side. You now tend to make many more changes in your personal life in order to be happy. This will be a no easy task given the state of life you are currently in, you should invest in the time you spend with your loved ones. These days security and maturity are appealing to you in a partner and this trend likely to last for some time. On a romantic level, there might be some challenges, intimacy problems, etc. Lack of intimacy or other flaws may seem glaring right now. You should use this time carefully to get close to family and establish ties among them.

Libra Monthly Love Horoscope (Sep 23-Oct 22)

Your life will be full of busywork like keeping in contact with others, much-needed socializing, etc. Your energy is high so you will have no trouble in keeping with it. Your personal moments are not coming to you so easily right now. You seem to have a problem with letting things run smoothly. Stop and refocus your attention on what’s important to you and how to attain your goals. If you are hooked up then you might be ready for a new commitment. On your next date, you can get personal with your lover on an intellectual level. You might be surprised at how close you both can become. Do not ignore the ones who are trying to get your attention. Regardless of the relationship status, you need someone who can engage your curious mind. 

Scorpio Monthly Love Horoscope (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Now is the perfect time to stand up tall and believe in what you have and what do you want. If you are with someone your partner might well accuse you of subscribing to what’s mine is mine and what’s ours is mine. This could also mean that you are busy with your personal issues and tend to overlook your love relationship for a while. Stand up for what you feel is right but with a humble presence. 

Sagittarius Monthly Love Horoscope (Nov 22-Dec 21)

This a perfect moment in time to step out and share yourself with everyone around you. You are not attracting admirers, some of whom may take a romantic interest in you and you are visible during this time of the year. Don’t just live your life, do whatever that makes it whole. Get more personal with a lover, show a close friend or a relative what you can accomplish for them and for yourself. Get closer and strengthen bonds that are necessary within your profession as well. Your best bet would be to go with the flow of things while doing this. A challenge is not in your best interest right now. This will only add to the unnecessary stress and neglect toward more important matters. This will prove positive in the near future. 

Capricorn Monthly Love Horoscope (Dec 22-Jan 20)

You might want to stop and reevaluate your desires and needs. Emotionally, physically and financially you would want to tread calmly until this phase passes for you. You might feel restricted in what you do and this is why you might want to run and hide from the world. Use this time to reevaluate your life and perhaps change what is not working for you. You will have to make an extra effort to get along with people around you personally. Keeping a low key and looking into what could make your life better now will lead to actual results in the near future. There is no need to take unnecessary risks or do anything extreme. Issues of sharing can be a conflicting matter. 

Aquarius Monthly Love Horoscope (Jan 21-Feb 19)

You can keep that warm and friendly quality about you. Your magnetism revolves around the element of mystery and fascination rather than the outgoing charm. There is a positive momentum that you carry forward from last month. These aspects will only grow stronger for you now, stimulating your own creativity. You will feel closeness with friends that mean so much to you and you have a wonderful sense of caring. You are looking for excitement, immediate feedback, and adventure from partners and lovers. Your goal might seem attainable with the support from friends and family. The interest from others is intense and you are noticed in almost everything you do. 

Pisces Monthly Love Horoscope (Feb 20-March 20)

You are earthly in your sexual desires. The libido is strong but controlled. There are things that are about to take off for you. You will feel a positive vibe in relationships and also other aspects of your life. Do what you feel is true and right in your heart. You are noticeable to everyone around you in evaluation so your decisions won’t be recognized. Committed relationships will offer you stability if you are not in one, you might be feeling insecure. Some will be bringing more work to a romantic partnership in some way. 
For More Information:- love calculator online

Monday, November 4, 2019

Manish Malhotra: A sensational Indian Fashion Designer

Manish Malhotra is one of the most sensational Indian fashion designers in India who is renowned for his beautiful collections. He is the one name that comes to people’s minds when it comes to the world of style, elegance, trend, and fashion.
The renowned Indian fashion designer was born on 5th December 1966. He had completed his graduation from the Elphinstone College in Mumbai. He had also tried modeling during his college days but ended up failing at it. This led him to clothes, costumes, and art and he became interested in fashion designing.
In the year of 2005, he successfully launched his own label under the name ‘Manish Malhotra.’ Under his label, he offers bridal, couture, diffusion as well as men’s wear collections at his two retail stores, one in Mumbai and another in New Delhi. 

The ‘Manish Malhotra’ label distributes at many multi-brand boutiques all across India as well as in Dubai. In the year 2014, his label reached a turnover of over INR 1 Billion that is equivalent to USD $15 Million.
The ‘Manish Malhotra’ label is identified all over India as well as abroad in only 13 years of its launch for redefining the Indi textiles, for helping in empowering the regional craftsmen, styling the international celebrities as well as harmonizing the traditional silhouettes seamlessly along with contemporary luxury.
At the young age of 25 years, Manish Malhotra had entered into the Bollywood with designing the famous actress Juhi Chawla’s costumes for the movie Swarg. It was the costumes designed by him for the actress Urmila Matondkar for the film Rangeela (1995), which made Manish Malhotra very successful and known as a famous fashion designer dress in the industry. It was the grand entry into the Bollywood industry for Manish Malhotra.
The client list of Manish Malhotra started growing and is still growing. It includes the famous Bollywood personalities including Karan Johar, Rekha, Alia Bhatt, Karishma Kapoor, Jahnvi Kapoor, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Jacqueline Fernandez, Ranbir Kapoor, Varun Dhawan, Arjun Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, and many others. His work has been showcased worldwide.
He has been admired by many all over the world especially when he got asked to design the clothes for the famous singer Michael Jackson for his appearance for the Bollywood Awards night that took place in New York. The outfit that he designed for Jackson was a hit and he was asked to design clothes for Michael Jackson for his show in Munich, Germany as well as some outfits for Jackson’s kids. After this, he also had designed the wedding clothes for the Princess of Riyadh.
Manish Malhotra’s has clients for his bridal couture that come from the High Net-worth households in India as well as the International princesses. The brand has a digital presence that isn’t likely going to stop. The label has an online store and a strong presence in social media. The younger generation has been following Manish Malhotra very closes and almost every girl has a dream to wear Manish Malhotra dress for their wedding.
Manish Malhotra’s Awards and Achievements:
1. Won his first Filmfare Award for costume designing in the year 1995 for the Bollywood film, ‘Rangeela’
2. Won the Masala Awards for the title of International Asian Designer of the year in the year 2010.
3. Won the award for the Fashion Personality of the Year in the year 2012 and most stylist-designer in the year 2017.
Manish Malhotra is the star designer for so many leading celebrities in the Bollywood Industry. He has won a place in the industry through his unique collections. His designs are innovative and he not only designs the outfits for women but also for the male actors.
The designer is sometimes known as the Fashion Guru, who is leading the fashion industry alongside other famous Indian Fashion designers. His label has become a global brand and his garments are widely bought in the International markets as well.
Manish Malhotra’s designs are made of a blend of rich textures such as satin, Georgette, silk and chiffon and many such fabrics that add to his innovative collection. His collections, whether it is an Indian look or a western look, will never be just plain or simple. His designs will have Intricately embedded sequins, Swarovski, pearls, tassels, and crystals, that add to the glamour of the outfits. His talent is always appreciated in the fashion industry. In his traditional garments, he likes to play with colours and different shades. On the other hand, his western garments always show a hint of modernism with creativity and elegance.
His influence in the film industry has grown over the years and his work has been showcased in more than 100 successful Bollywood movies. Even his work has evolved with time and his ability to work with any type of fabric. Apart from designing the costumes for Bollywood, he also became a wedding outfit designer for many celebrities as well as the rich class people. His designs are rightfully showcased on fashion shows as well as talk shows where he fashions secrets and styling tips are shared along with the discussions about fashion.
For More Information:- Manish Malhotra Design

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

November Month Love Horoscope for all zodiac signs

October brought amazement and love in the romantic life of many zodiac signs. Get to know what November stars have in store for you.
ARIES (Mar21-Apr19)
The month will give you a chance to mend the ‘cracks’ in your love life and you will excel in that as well. Although handling stressful relationships is not ingrained in your nature but you can always give it a try. You can make use of your good sense of humor and sensual being to bring over a change in your relationships with your loved ones. Your partner would be happy to spend some quality time with you this month. Just come out of your comfort zone when it comes to trusting people, a friend can become a stranger and can spoil your married life. 

TAURUS (Apr20-May20)
This month your stars are not in your favor. You have to wait a little longer if you are thinking of ending your relationship, you might be compelled to change your mind. If your partner doesn’t give you what you expect in love then don’t let your mind wavered to others. It’s just a matter of time. Don't control your inner desire while making love with November Love Horoscope your partner. Try new ways of making love to your partner to make them feel the most important part of your life. For singles, it’s a great time to approach your loved one. Your quality of staying mysterious makes people more interested in you.  

GEMINI (May21-Jun20)
You set high expectations from your love life and meeting them is always on your agenda. But it is not necessary that whatever you expect will be fulfilled. This is the month to sit back and take notice of things happening in your love sector. There may be someone close who may share his or her feelings with you. Don’t make your romantic life monotonous but try something new and innovative to boost your love further. You can take advantage of your good sense of humor.  The end of the month is the peak time for love and passion. Couples, sexual desires are obvious to come when you are in a love and deep relationship but don't hurry, it can spoil your love life.

CANCER (Jun21-July22)
You may feel the urge to get in touch with your ex this month. However, stars would not advise you to do the same. Your past can destroy your present life, try to avoid situations. This may prove to be harmful to your mental peace. You need to balance between love life and professional life. Without love, there is no life. Don’t ignore your love life. This month you will have some family problems but your love relationship will help you sail through your problems. Singles may visit a place where they may find their love interest this month. It may be a get together at a friend’s place or a celebration at some relative’s place. Couples avoid pregnancy as the stars are not showing favorable conditions. 

LEO (July23-Aug22)
This month's stars are fluctuating, so you have to be double careful. You need to manage your feelings and don’t let your feelings go over your head. You can share your inner desires with your lover, they will respect your feelings. With all positivity and excitement in your chart, it’s the best time to put your love life into action. Planning a romantic date can help you impress your love. Singles don’t hook up on any person planets are not in your favor. The romanticism would be exciting and enough to satisfy your inner desires. Your love life will be boosted but the clash between your personal and professional life may be caused.

VIRGO (Aug23-Sep21)
This month star is in a good position for your love life. Singles may visit a place where they may find their love interest this month. It may be a get together at a friend’s place or a celebration at some relative’s place. You expect your partner to not devoid of good manners and having humble and courteous behavior but arguments will destroy your love life. So avoid it and remember that communication is the key to solve all problems. The dramatic shift of energy in the second half of November will make you happy. Time is right to speak your heart out to your partner or to your crush but put your words forward wisely. Let yourself float in the ocean of love as the planet of love is in your romantic sector. 
LIBRA (Sep22-Oct23)
You might end up in trouble if you will be impulsive as this nature leads to getting things out of control. Love takes time to blossom and this is the mantra for a beautiful love life. You are given an opportunity this month to handle your challenges in love life with the cooperation and fill your relationship with romance and grace. Love life is based on the blocks of trust and confidence. Singles don’t rush to get into a new relationship, the person is not right for you. You may be confused and here comes the role of your friends who will come as a savior. Great time for married couples to plan their children.

SCORPIO (Oct23-Nov21)
There may be some exciting conversation between you and your love interest this month. Showing love is necessary to keep up the fuel in love life. Singles, the month of November may give you opportunities to express your feelings to the person you love so much. Married couples may get some private time for themselves. Don’t fall back by your low confidence and let your seductive self-lead.  Fairness and balance in relationships are your objectives this month. 
As per the stars, the time is perfect to meet your beloved. Perfect time to attain closeness with your lover or crush or aiming for the long term in existing relationships. With this phase of healing in your relationship sector, better understanding and commitments in your love life await you. This can be done by maintaining a balance between work and love life by planning gifts, romantic trips and surprises. Singles remember, love, at first sight, is good but if it is online, beware of cheats but trusting strangers could spoil your love life. Don’t get into a relationship with someone who is short-tempered. Your seductive and compassionate nature as a lover with a person you completely trust help you get physically involved with him passionately.
CAPRICORN (Dec22-Jan19)
Mars will enter your romance sector in the mid of November, followed by Venus after one week. These two "cosmic lovers" will even embrace in perfect conjunction. Love and romance will be at a peak when the glorious Moon will land in. So, keep romancing the whole November. Married couples, keep yourself away from any kind of debate with a partner and just agree to what others have to say. For singles, love is all around and the good news is on the cards. 
AQUARIUS (Jan20-Feb18)
It’s time to remind you that true love is not easy and requires every bit of genuine effort. If you regret hurting your love at some point in time, then go ahead and apologize. It will help you free yourself from guilt.  You won’t be in the mood to share your intimate secrets with everyone but do share with your lover. Singles if you have been putting sincere efforts you may get your love soon. Married couples, the time has come and you can plan for pregnancy. 
PISCES (Feb19-Mar20)
If you are feeling that love life is not going as you dreamt of, then the time has come and it will bring you happiness. Jupiter is turning in your partnership house, which reflects the true stars for love and romance. It will shower love and blessings for you and your love partner. Sun-Jupiter combination would aid you in getting your relationships recognized. Singles, let your inner conscious do the talk and follow what it says regarding signs for your love. It’s the best time for singles to enter a relationship and for existing relationships to become more passionate in love life. Couples don’t avoid any issue and sort it out right away. 
For More Information:- janam kundali predictions

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

What it took Abhaas to become the king of demons

Tele baddie Abhaas Mehta is enjoying his stint as Shumbh on Mahakali

Abhaas Mehta last seen on “Badalte Rishton Ki Dastaan” and “Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Do”, will now be on costume drama “Mahakali” as the king of demons. “I play the dreaded Shumbh. He (and his brother) has the vardaan that no human or God can kill him. My part revolves around his love for Parvati and how she transforms into Kali,” says the actor.
Abhaas is a director's actor so he doesn't interfere with the brief. He feels the look of Shumbh is unique for Indian television. “The makeup and costumes are elaborate. I leave the details on the crew and focus on my performance,” he says. He is covered with prosthetics for the most part. On set, he's having a blast right now. He gets along likea house on fire with Danish (Akhtar Saifi) who plays his brother. Another actor Saurabh (Raaj Jain) is his girlfriend Zeenia's (Wadia) buddy; I am lucky to be working with him.” Kartik naira the actor is in awe of Pooja who plays the title role. “She is fabulous,” he says. 

What really gets him excited is working with makers Siddharth and Rahul Kumar Tewary. “The banner has created top show. I have always wanted to work with Swastik,” says Abhaas who calls Siddharth a creative genius. “I think learning from him will take my performance to a new level.”
Since he's covered in prosthetic makeup for the entire duration, there is no pressure to adhere to a certain hairstyle. He can be a chameleon in his off-screen. “Mahakali has given me the liberty to try any hairstyle I want. I am going crazy with it.”
Unlike certain male actors who plan their careers years ahead, Abhaas likes to live in the moment. “I try not to be too choosy about the projects I work on. I like to be in the present. Right now, it's Shumbh for me,” says he.
For More Information:- Abhaas Mehta

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Fitness Inspiration From Malaika Arora Khan

Fitness is one of the most important things to take care in every age because if you are able to maintain a healthy and fit body then you can live your life in a better and effective manner. There are lots of celebrities who maintain a fit and healthy body shape and take care of their body that allow them to enjoy a healthy life. Malaika Arora Khan is one of those most amazing and talented actresses who are able to maintain a perfect body shape from several years and become the Fitness Inspiration of many people. If you want to maintain a healthy and perfect body shape like her then it is essential for you to give proper attention to your workout, diet, and other factors. Here are some regular workout and diet plan of her that can inspire you to maintain a healthy life:


To stay in proper shape and perfect look, Malaika always follow a proper workout routine. Workout is one most important thing that helps you to get a perfect shaped body as you want. Despite her busy and hectic schedule, she always manages time for her workout every day. 

Cardio everyday

Malaika starts her workout with 20 minutes of cardio session. It is essential for you to know that cardio workouts are effective for warming up the body and it can also help you to maintain your metabolism so that you can shed extra pound within less time.

Weight and strength training

This actress hits the gym 3 times a week for a 30-minute workout for strength and workout session. The battle ropes, push-ups, weighted squats, and most of the compound workouts are in the list of this training session. The compound workouts help to make muscles strong and work on multiple muscle groups of your body.
Yoga and pilates
It is also true that the flexible body of Malaika is a gift of yoga and pilates. Yoga has lots of benefits for you as it helps to provide you mental calmness, helps you in weight loss as well as effective in building strength. Pilates is also another form of workout that helps to improve your concentration and allow to maintain proper balance and posture of your body. Due to this heavy workout schedule and fit body, Malaika becomes the Fitness Inspiration among lots of people and she inspires her fans and people to do workout and yoga for effective and fit body. In addition to this, another workout that Malaika does includes kickboxing and different dance forms as well as Bootcamp. She also loves swimming that helps her to get a flexible and gorgeous looking body.
Your diet is as important as a workout because a good workout always needs a great diet. Malaika does not prefer special diet plan and fad diets because she always prefers eating clean. Malaika prefers to eat small amount in food in small time intervals that help her to fulfill her needs and her body absorb all nutrients and vitamins in well effective manner.

Malaika enjoys the homemade food and prefers to eat fruits and nuts on the snack time or if she feels hungry. To maintain her perfect body and figure, she avoids the food that is fried, laden with the extra calories and high in salt. She always keeps her dinner light and avoids carbs that time.
To maintain a perfect and fit body, it is also important to keep your body hydrated throughout the day. So, Malaika keeps herself hydrated throughout the day with water, vegetable and fruit juices and coconut water that give her proper nutrients and helps to fulfill her drinking needs.
So, it was the workout and diet plan of Malaika that she always follows. She is a Fitness Inspiration for people and this information help you to know more about her workout plan that help you to get your body shape as you want. You should always eat right and workout well to achieve your fitness goal as soon as possible. In addition to this, do not forget to keep yourself hydrated and rest well that allows you to get closer to your fitness goals. So, with the help of this information, it becomes easy for you to accomplish your dreams and you can maintain a healthy life for several years. It is not difficult to adopt a fitness routine but you have to maintain it regularly to enjoy the benefits.  

Monday, September 16, 2019

इसरो का रॉकेट मैन - भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान संगठन (ISRO) के अध्यक्ष

जैसा कि आप सभी जानते हैं कि भारत का सपना मिशन मून-2 -  चंद्रयान-2 लांच हो चूका हैं। चांद पर चंद्रयान-2 को भेजकर भारत ने अपना सच्चा सच कर लिया। हालाँकि कुछ दिन पहले जब इसरो द्वारा chandrayaan-2 लॉन्च किया जाना था लेकिन दिन शुरू होते के लगभग 1 घंटे पहले ही उस चंद्रायण में वैज्ञानिकों द्वारा एक त्रुटि पाई गई जिसकी वजह से chandrayaan-2 के लॉन्च को रोक दिया गया। उसके बाद इंडियन स्पेस रिसर्च ऑर्गनाइजेशन ने चंद्रयान-2 की कमियों को ठीक करके 22 जुलाई2019 को इसे लांच किया। दुनिया के केवल पांच देश  - अमेरिकारूसयूरोपचीन और जापान ही चांद पर सॉफ्ट लैंडिंग  का श्रेय ले पाए है और भारत इसमें छठा देश होगा।

चंद्रयान-2 की सफलता का श्रेय 

भारत का सपना मिशन मून-2 -  चंद्रयान-2 तो लांच हो गया और इसकी सफलता को लेकर सभी भारतीय गर्व महसूस कर रहे थे लेकिन क्या आप ये जानते है कि इसकी सफलता के पीछे किसका हाथ था। इसकी सफलता का श्रेय जाता है  - भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान संगठन (ISRO) के अध्यक्ष - कैलासवादिवो सिवन (Kailasavadivoo Sivan) जी को। भारत के दूसरे महत्वाकांक्षी मिशन 'चंद्रयान-2'  (Chandrayan-2) को आंध्र प्रदेश के श्रीहरिकोटा (Shriharikota) से अपने सबसे शक्तिशाली रॉकेट लॉन्चर GSLV Mk III के जरिये चांद के  सफर पर भेजने के पीछे  इसरो के अध्यक्ष सिवान जी का बहुत बड़ा श्रेय हैं

इसरो का 'रॉकेट मैन - सिवन 

अंतरिक्ष में भारत की छवि को बनाने के इस महत्वाकांक्षी मिशन के पीछे जिस इंसान ने 'चंद्रयान-2' की अपनी टीम के साथ सालों की मेहनत करके  भारत के सपने को साकार किया है वो है - ISRO के अध्यक्ष सिवन। इसरो के अध्यक्ष सिवान को 'रॉकेट मैन  के नाम से बुलाया जाता हैं। सरकारी स्कूल से तमिल भाषा में शिक्षा प्राप्त सिवन तमिलनाडु के कन्याकुमारी जिले के सराक्कलविलाई गांव के एक किसान के बेटे हैं। किसान का बेटा होने के बावजूद आज के समय में वो भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान संगठन (ISRO) के अध्यक्ष का पद संभाल सँभालते हुए उन्होंने चंद्रयान-2 के मिशन का नेतृत्व भी किया। 
नागेरकोयल के एसटी हिंदू कॉलेज से स्नातक के बाद 1980 में मद्रास इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ टेक्नोलॉजी (MIT) से एयरोनॉटिकल इंजीनियरिंग की पढ़ाई की। सिवन अपने परिवार के पहले सदस्य यहीं जिन्होंने स्नातक की पढाई की। सिवन ने इंडियन इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ साइंसिज (IISC) से इंजीनियरिंग में मास्टर्स करने के बाद 2006 में IIT बॉम्बे से एयरोस्पेस इंजीनियरिंग में पीएचडी की। इतना सब करने के बाद उनके कदम रुके नहीं और आज वो इसरो के अष्यक्ष पद की गरिमा बढ़ा रहे हैं।

क्या कहते है इसरो अध्यक्ष 

सिवन से बातचीत के दुआरण उन्होंने बताया कि,"मैं कॉलेज में पड़ते हुए खेतों में अपने पिता की मदद भी किया करता था। इसी कारणवश मेरे पिता ने मेरा दाखिला घर के पास वाले कॉलेज में कराया था। जब मैंने Bsc (गणित) 100 प्रतिशत अंकों के साथ पूरी किया तो उन्होंने अपना मन बदल लिया। मैंने अपना  बचपन बिना जूतों और सैंडल के गुजारा है। मैं कॉलेज तक धोती पहना करता था। मैंने MIT में पहली बार पैंट पहनी थी।

ISRO के रॉकेट मैन कैसे बने  

सिवन ने 1982 में इसरो को ज्वाइन करते अपना पद संभाला। इसरो के सभी रॉकेट से संभंधित प्रोजेक्ट्स में भाग लेकर उन्होंने अपना महान योगदान दिया।  जनवरी 2018 में इसरो के अध्यक्ष का पद सँभालते हुए उन्होंने कई बड़े काम किये। इससे पहले वो सेंटर रॉकेट बनाने वाले विक्रम साराभाई स्पेस सेंटर (VSSC) के निर्देशक थे। साइक्रोजेनिक इंजन, PSLV, GSLV, और रियूसेबल लॉन्च व्हीकल जैसे प्रोजेक्ट्स में अपना महान  योगदान देने की वजह से उन्हें इसरो का रॉकेट मैन कहा जाता है। 

सिवन की सफलता का सफर

15 फरवरी 2017 को एक साथ 104 उपग्रहों को लॉन्च करके इसरो का विश्व रिकॉर्ड बनाने में अहम भूमिका निभाकर उन्होंने पहली उपलब्धि हासिल की और उनके कदम सफलता की ओर बढ़ते गए।  
5 जुलाई 2019 को लांच होने वाले चंद्रयान-2 की तकनीकी दिक्कत को 24 घंटे के अंदर ठीक करके उन्होंने सबके दिलों में अपनी जगह बना ली। जैसा की आप सब जानते है कि 15 जुलाई को  इसरो के वैज्ञानिकों चंद्रायण को लॉन्च करने की पूरी तैयारी कर रहे थे तभी चंद्रयान लॉन्च से ठीक 56 मिनट 24 सेकेंड पहले चंद्रायण में आई तकनीकी खराबी का ज्ञान हुआ और रात 1 बज कर 36 सेकेंड पर चंद्रायण लॉन्च रोक दिया गया। वैज्ञानिकों का मानना है कि समय रहते उन्होंने इस त्रुटि का ज्ञान कर लिया अन्यथा इसके लॉन्च से एक बड़ी दुर्घटना का होना संभव था। इसका श्रेय भी सीवन जी को जाता हैं। 
सिवन ने एक उच्च स्तरीय टीम बनाकर 24 घंटे के अंदर तकनिकी खराबी को ठीक करके सात दिनों के बाद चंद्रयान-2 को 22 जुलाई को सफलता पूर्वक लॉन्च किया।